Powerful Dua to Fix a Broken Relationship

Asalamwalikum, Today we will share a Powerful Dua to Fix a Broken Relationship. Breaking up with a loved one or losing a loved one these days in any part of the world is usually a very hurting feeling.

We all know that Recovering after a breakup is very difficult, as you may be filled with a whirlwind of overwhelming emotions. You may struggle to get out of bed and lead a normal life in such a situation.

A lot of couples go through ups and downs in a relationship. It’s only natural, but when things go beyond that it leads to breakup.

If you want to know how to fix your broken relationship, this article will outline the best Islamic Dua to help you mend and heal your relationship.

No matter what happens, just about every problem in a relationship can be fixed by this Powerful Dua to Fix a Broken Relationship.

  • You can start this wazifa whenever you want;
  • After freeing yourself from the other works;
  • Just before going to bed to sleep;
  • Make a fresh ablution;
  • Recite Durood-e-Pak twenty-one 21 times;
  • Recite Surah Ikhlas fifty-one 51 times;
  • Again recite Durood-e-Pak twenty-one 21 times;
  • Make a Dua to Fix Your Broken Relationship
  • Please do this every day till eleven 11 days regularly without skipping any single day;

Females can skip during their 7 days of menses/periods. In this manner, they will have to perform this for 21 days. Please remember that if your relationship gets fixed within these 11 days even then you also have to finish the entire wazifa in 11 days. In any way, you can’t skip this.

Today, we see many relationships break over small arguments. It only indicates the lack of love and understanding between the couples. If couples spend more time fighting with each other rather than being happy, But if you aren’t ready to give up on the relationship you want it to be fixed and you are unhappy in your relationship, When you are unhappy more often than you’re happy, things aren’t good.

There are a lot of reasons that usually lead to break up like Having different views and opinions on certain things. It also fails when partners do not feel heard, seen, respected, valued, appreciated, or loved. Another reason couples break up is when they can no longer work out a relationship that has low trust levels.

A relationship that has experienced cheating and other problems that may have caused one of them to question everything they believed in about their partner is bound to fall apart. There are many reasons like this which can lead to breakup.

If you want your ex-love back in your life then you can also try this Dua to Get Someone Back. It will help you make your ex madly in love with you.

If you feel that you want to fix your relationship, you must take the help of Islam and the Quran. There are certain Dua to Heal Broken Relationship that works instantly. These are simple and very easy to perform. It would help if you kept faith in Allah.

  • Perform this at least after one obligatory prayer.
  • Make a fresh ablution;
  • Recite 1000 times “ya Ra’hman Kul Shay i’ Wa Raa’hmaah ya Ra’hmaan”
  • While reciting this Pray to Allah (SWT) to heal your Broken Relationship;
  • Now Recite Durood-e-Pak 51 times
  • Please do this every day till eleven 11 days regularly without skipping any single day.

Keep doing this Dua to Fix a Broken Relationship and all of the issues will be solved one day by Allah. Have full faith in Allah (SWT) and keep patience in Allah Talah will surely help you to fix everything. The narration of Dua to Heal a Broken Relationship would help you bring back all the positivity in your mind. Just have faith and patience. Believing in Allah is very important.

If you don’t want any relationship you want to get rid of this situation. You are trying everything to overcome your breakup. Then You also do this Dua to Heal a Broken Heart. It is the easiest and the best path for you to get out of that pain.

If you still have any doubts then you can contact Molana ji anytime. Feel free to WhatsApp us on the given numbers.

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