Wazifa To Break Someone’s Marriage

It is challenging to make relations and even build them. A connection is like a project which builds bit by bit. It gets strong over time. We all have to invest in that relationship. Be it with our parents or the people we meet gradually.

Life is long for most of us. in which we tend to meet a lot of people. And when that day comes when we reach that someone special. It is like that particular turn in our life, which changes it forever. Then eventually we want to make that person a part of our lives.

Want to marry them and make them a permanent part of your life? I am telling you all this. To make you realize that making a marriage or any relationship is not easy. And here all you are looking for is how to break one.

You better have a valid reason for that. A reason strong enough to hide what you want. Because on the legitimate note, it does not sound legitimate at all. For any genuine person even an idea like this. The purpose of breaking someone’s marriage is sinful enough.

Allah is our real guardian. He will indeed guard us all against the bad. Or from the unseen which is yet to come. We all have our ups and downs in our lives. It is not smooth, and it will never be. We all have to find ways to deal with it.

I agree that marriage is not always a happy journey. We all have some upended notions about it. We all have bigger expectations for it. But once things begin to go wrong. Then it all becomes the game of the domino. Everything goes down.

And no matter how much you try to fix things. They keep on getting worse. Marriage is not about a person. It is undoubtedly and powerfully about the two people. And in the community in which we live it becomes the matter of the two families.

  • Once things begin to go wrong between the two people, the families start to take involvement.
  • The matter that should stay between the two people gets out of hand.
  • That is where the crack begins.
  • And when the two people continue with that broken marriage.
  • Things get all the worse.
  • In all this drama there are some victims too.
  • We live in a male-dominated society.
  • Which always forces the women to suffer.
  • To bear the most significant burden.

Men in such cases find it hard to deal with their fragile male ego. They will do anything to make the woman suffer. He will make it a cage. Allah has suggested a way out. There are ways in Islam in which if the pair are not satisfied with their marriage.

I am requesting and warning you again that you really should understand what you are doing. If you have evil in your heart, then you are indeed going to destroy someone’s life. And your evil acts are not going to work.

Before you get on this, it is better to ask for the advice of Allah the Almighty. Like doing the istikhara or the legitimate prayers. He does answer the calls — the real ones and with the best of intentions.


  • You need to perform this wazifa for 21 consecutive days.
  • First, you need to perform the Fajr Namaz.
  • Then after that read the DUROOD SHAREEF 11 times.
  • Now, recite the Surah Lahab for the 41 times.
  • Again recite the DUROOD SHAREEF for the 11 times.
  • Now take the two crystals of salt and imagine the faces of the two people.
  • Blow the dua on it.
  • And now pray to Allah. Keep your intentions clear.
  • And if you have the evil in your heart, then all I wish is. Allah guide your way through. he shows you the right path. May he give you the patience. May he give you the power of the right choice? Ameen.

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