Dua To Bring Husband And Wife Closer

Is your husband not faithful to you? Has he lost interest in you? Is he not paying any attention to you? If you are seeking answers to these questions, then you can take the help of the dua and Ayatas of Quan. One can recite the dua to bring husband and wife closer to strengthen their bond. Marital life is not always a bed of roses. It comes along with its equal share of joys and sorrows. It depends on both the partners and how they handle the relationship. Some couples compromise for their relationship but at times fail to live up to each other expectations. This dua will bring husband and wife closer despite their differences with each other.

Sometimes, lack of communication gives rise to conflicts and misunderstandings between the couples. These misunderstandings may break the relationship leading to separation. If you want to secure your marriage then you must recite the dua to bring husband and wife together. If your husband has fallen for some other woman, then this dua to bring husband and wife together could be of great use to you. It helps in removing all sorts of bitterness and differences in the relationship. It will bring your husband back to you. Your husband will develop fondness for you and will be attracted to you.

You can recite the strong dua to bring love between husband and wife to increase love and attraction between the couples. Before reciting the dua to bring husband and wife closer one needs to put strong faith in Allah (swt) to make the dua work. Insha Allah all your troubles will be removed and you both can cherish a beautiful life together. The dua is very strong in creating mutual love and respect for each other.

  • You can recite the following powerful dua to bring husband and wife together :
  • Read Surah Yasin for 7 times
  • While reciting the dua you have to blow on 7 almonds separately.
  • Give these almonds to our husband to eat.
  • Dua’a 190:
  • Recite BISMILLAHIR RAHMAN NIR RAHIM for 786 times on a glass of pure water. Give this water to your husband to drink.
  • Dua’a 191:
  • Read Surah An-Nisa for 7 times daily.
  • Dua’a 192:
  • Read Surah Al-Quraysh (Chapter 106) for 7 times on roses. The couple should smell these roses.
  • Dua’a 193:
  • Read Al WADOODU for 1000 times. Now blow these on the eatables and both of you should eat the sweet eatable.
  • Dua’a 194:
  • Read Surah Al Muzzmmil 41 for 41 times and blow it on the eatables. Both of you should eat these sweet eatables.

Dua To Bring Love Between Husband And Wife

The dua to bring love between husband and wife will develop love and fondness for each other. The dua to bring love between husband and wife can also be performed by those parents whose children are involved in disputes.

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