Dua To Prevent Something Bad From Happening

Dua To Prevent Something Bad From Happening, As we know that our lives consist of ups and downs. Sometimes we have a good time, and we enjoy a lot. Also in bad times when we feel that the time has stopped. Everyone wants to be consistently happy for which there is a dua to prevent something bad from happening.

Allah will help you to keep you away from all sorts of troubles. He will guide you to keep you in the safe harbors in life. Whether the danger is sickness, poverty, or even a storm, he will protect you. There are many of the dua in the holy book of the Quran that gives us ways to deal with such situations.

One of the ways is to recite “SubhanAllah, Alhumdulilah and Allahu Akbar” 100 times. For this dua, you have to maintain the purity of the mind and the body. The dua should be in your daily routine so that there is regular contact with the Lord.

Finally in the case when you are already facing some tough situation the frequency of the dua is five times a day. For this recite Ar-Rehmaaan as many times as you can. Dua to Allah is the only option that can bring your good times back.

This dua also work from the danger that lies within us, such as hatred, jealousy, and negative feeling. Reciting this dua can bring peace in your mind and show you the right path. It will also protect you and your children from any danger.

Dua To Get Rid of Negative Thoughts

Many times in our life, we face the fear of failure. Due to this fear, we often do not successfully attempt the work, thus fails.

These are due to the negative thoughts that lie within us. For those, there is a dua to get rid of negative thoughts. Performing such dua can make your mind fill up with positive energy and you will succeed.

For this, you have to recite the name of Allah 5 times a day regularly and with full dedication. While performing such dua, make sure to thing positive and begin the dua. You should be calm and happy while performing such dua. Lord will see your troubles and will somehow change the thought process within you.

Apart from this, you should also work on this problem at your level for complete success. You have to internally recognize the reason for the diversion of your thoughts.

You should not be afraid of these negative thoughts and challenge them if you feel you need a break from the surrounding visit some other place for a few days. Sometimes the same lifestyle of people is also the reason for negative thoughts to grow.

You also have to focus on your strength and remember those days when you were the best. If you need you can take help from the professionals. You can try counseling and therapy that will give you peace of mind. Following such methods, you can reduce your emotional suffering and can turn your thoughts in positive directions.

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